Letter Re: WritersWeekly’s 24-Hour Short Story Contest
Dear Angela,
Greetings from Pittsburgh, PA. I’m emailing to thank you for the latest 24-Hour Short Story Contest. I was hesitant to email before the winners were announced, not wanting to brown my nose (I know how you love a brown nose!). However, I figured that if I win (not likely), thanking you afterward would appear to be a formality, and not necessarily sincere. Alas! I decided to email now.
This is the first writing contest I’ve entered and it was just so enjoyable, on many different levels. Without getting into the morose saga otherwise known as my life, this contest was something I very much needed. I didn’t realize how much so until I clicked “send,” and entered my story. It’s the first thing, in several years, that I’ve done just for me.
Secondly, your tips and guidelines, are incredibly helpful, and truly entertaining to read. I’m grateful to you for sharing so much beforehand. I won’t embarrass myself… Oh, why not? I was going to have the main character turn out to be a dog. I am SO glad I read that this is a common and annoying theme! I thought I was so clever and unique. I turned out to be rather witless and boring.
Finally, the challenge itself was something that scared me. There were several times that I almost gave up. I pushed through, knowing that even if the story was wretched, it was experience, nonetheless. This was something else that I needed. I am positive that I would have given up had you not provided so much help beforehand. Again, so happy that I finished and submitted something.
I have already entered the summer contest and I’m very much looking forward to it. I am new to you and the site, so I have plenty to keep me busy reading and honing my writing skills…to eventually make a nice living from it. I have been to many writing sites, but yours stands alone and shines.
Thank you, Angela. Peace and many blessings to you.
Travel AND Writing – My Synergistic, Successful Career!
Gracias for featuring my story! I just got back from another adventure in Cuba. After over five years on the once forbidden island, Cuba continues to fascinate me. Check out the stories these travels have provided on my blog https://www.heidisiefkas.com/blog/ as well as my book, “Cubicle to Cuba.”
-Heidi Siefkas
DON’T DO IT! The Risks of Publishing a Children’s Book That Contains…
Two thumbs up, Angela.
-Wendy Jones
Highlander Imagine – Beyond Infinity
Duncan MacLeod must fight a South American Immortal at Teotihuacan.
Ditto what Wendy wrote. I look forward to starting my Fridays by reading WritersWeekly. I am always entertained, educated, and often amused. This article covers all that and more: it shows, as always, your dedication to quality. Thank you!
-Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Nazi-occupied Rome sets the stage for Bridge of Sighs and Dreams, where the lives of two women collide in an arena of deception, greed, and sacrifice.
I can SO relate! I found a misspelled word in MY book and now it glares at me every time I see my book…. I absolutely must get it fixed, but right now my funds are a bit tight… One day, I will get that one word fixed!!! LOL
– Susan Kaplan-Williams
Angela’s BACK!!! Now, check out this WEIRD picture!
Well now, that’s a new one on me. I would have panicked as well. I guess I never paid attention to my daughter’s teeth until it was time to put them under the pillow. I am always amazed at what can be found on the Internet. By the way, what’s the going rate from the Tooth Fairy these days?
Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Nazi-occupied Rome sets the stage for Bridge of Sighs and Dreams, where the lives of two women collide in an arena of deception, greed, and sacrifice.
Congratulations to Frank on getting into dental school. That is 10 times harder since there are so many fewer of them!
-Sharon Campbell
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