
Coal People Magazine

“CPM is an easy-reading, homespun magazine featuring coal people and coal towns, with special sections on news and product development.” 40% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 14.2K. Monthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms one month after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within one week. Sample copy available by email. Subscription $25. Guidelines available by email. Pays flat fee of $250 for up to 2500 words.

Rural Missouri Magazine

“A magazine conveying the rural way of life in rural Missouri. We look for interesting people, places,
things to share with our readers. While a story submission may seem perfect for us. we’ll ask you why that topic/person is any different than anyone ELSE in Missouri doing the same thing, a unique subject gets our attention.” 10% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 545K. Monthly. Pays on acceptance. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Responds 6-8 weeks. Buys first Missouri rights. No reprints. Sample copy available for $3 via SASE. Subscription $20 for three years. Pays $250-$300 for 1300 words.

Wyoming Business Report

Wyoming’s only state-wide business publication, published monthly with special editions on travel, medicine, manufacturing and energy. Daily e-newsletter.” Welcomes new writers. 25% freelance. Monthly. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys print and online rights. No reprints. Responds one week. Sample articles online. Subscription $24.97, $175 outside the U.S.