Letters and Comments

My Time With BookLocker Was Well Spent

Angela, After publishing two books with you (BookLocker.com), I have had five novels traditionally published in the UK and three published in the US, with more on the way. My time with you was well spent. Ronald M. Wade https://www.wadespy.com

Nine-Year-Old (Almost) Penalized for Reading Too Many Books?! WHAT?!?

Wow. Give that librarian a smack up the back of the head. My sister was telling me about a neighbour's daughter who had participated in some important efforts in her school - citizenship-type stuff. She'd worked her butt off and had excelled, for which she was awarded a certificate of achievement. BUT the school decided that, instead of awarding prizes on the stage at graduation, they would make the awards privately and quietly to the winners. This was so the kids who didn't win - that is, didn't work as hard - wouldn't "feel bad". The daughter's reaction to this was, "Well, I guess I won't be working at this next year. Why should I? I didn't get any recognition." Failing to reward excellence because it might make others feel bad is a crock! Thanks for sharing that story, Angela! Elizabeth Creith ~~~ Hello Angela, I'm with you on giving the deserving child the prize for his great efforts. Carolyn R. Wilker FineTune Editing Copy Editing & Proofreading ~~~ Just read your headline article and it really struck a nerve with me!! I read all of the comments as well and I think I will share this article on Facebook!! I, too, was a voracious reader at that age! I won every single book reading contest that came along. Then, in eighth grade, I had to write a book report on the sun. I read half a dozen books, and the encyclopedia, and wrote my report for which I received an 'F'! I was stunned! I cried all the way home. I had worked so hard and studied the subject and I thought I had done a good job - I couldn't understand why I failed the report. My mother contacted the teacher who told her she did not believe I had written the report myself. Of course, my mother explained to her that I did write every single word, that I read numerous books and studied hard. In the end, she changed my grade to an A-. Not a straight A, but an A minus!! She was one of those teachers/adults who was not able to see the potential in her kids. She was a hard liner who believed that children can only accomplish so much in a certain time frame and that if they should exceed, they must be cheating. At least Tyler is getting some clear appreciation for his accomplishments and some well-deserved attention. I do feel sorry for the librarian. She probably wants the other children to succeed, yet she doesn't understand how to motivate them into trying harder. Just because they do not have the ability that Tyler shows doesn't mean they are less, it just means they aren't at his level. And, even if they do have the ability, it is the children who have chosen not to fully engage. Anyway, just wanted to share that with you...I can read a book a day easy - even now. I just don't have time! I've stayed up all day and all night with a good book...then hating it when I've finished it...I want it to continue!! Best Regards, Susan Kaplan-Williams …

WRITERS ANSWER – How much would YOU write for? – Readers Respond

Hi Angela, Sorry I didn't get to your column last week, so would like to comment now. My beef is with all of the writers - many of them professional, career writers - who send their stuff to the Huffington Post for FREE! I was at the National Society of Newspaper Columnists conference last month and I was astounded by how many people submit to that outlet. It is not like they need the "exposure" so I don't know why they do it. Thanks for letting me question and rant! P.S. …

Letters To The Editor For July 24th

This Week:


Your Free Copy of How to Be a Freelance Writer

Angela, Thanks so much! Your free download on "How to Be A Freelance Writer" is truly a treasure! I have written an article that was published in a local periodical, which is a springboard for my career in freelance writing. I was totally unaware on how to approach magazine editors and you have "unlocked that hidden treasure" for me. The Write Markets Report is also new information I will peruse to gain insight into the "freelance writing world," as well. I look forward to receiving your mailings. Thank you so much! Arnita EDITOR'S NOTE: To receive your free copy of How to Be a Freelance Writer, subscribe to WritersWeekly here: https://writersweekly.com/subscribe.php

TANTALIZING SUBJECT LINES! How to Make Almost Anyone Open and Read Your Email/Blog/Article

TANTALIZING SUBJECT LINES! How to Make Almost Anyone Open and Read Your Email/Blog/Article

Dear Ms. Hoy: Thank you for your article on "Tantalizing Subject Lines". It gave me food for thought on the titles of my blog posts and how to post them. Your newsletter is very informative, and helpful to me as a writer and writing instructor. I have been in this business for more years than I care to think about sometimes and it's always great to have fresh perspectives on how to make it better. Thank you! Sincerely, Christine Peets Captions Communications Professional writing & blogging Writing Instruction Training in business communications Workshop planning & facilitation https://www.CaptionsCommunications.ca blog: With Humour and Hope - https://christinepeets.wordpress.com

Letters To The Editor For July 3rd

This Week:

  • Should I Send This Professor A Copy Of My Book?
  • BookLocker Makes Self-Publishing Easy and Fun!

Letters To The Editor For June 26th

This Week:

  • You Made (Self-Publishing) Easy and Fun
  • Won a Grab Bag Prize in the Spring 24-Hour Short Story Contest!

The Quarterly 24-Hour Short Story Contest is FUN!

Dear Angela, It was fun to receive the update on the Spring Short Story contest, thank you. I read all 3 winning stories - great choices. Thank you for helping me get back into writing again. Since my debut in the last contest, I've tried to write a bit each day and hone my skills. I appreciate all the info you provide on your websites, too...helpful and inspiring. Thanks again, Susie …


Just got my free book in the mail today and it looks great! Can't wait to dive in! Thanks again! Valerie Bordeau Winner of the May 22nd WritersWeekly Trivia Contest Contests are held weekly so check back each Wednesday for the trivia question.

Pleased With BookLocker.com

Hi Angela, et. al., Got the shipment of books Thursday, and have already begun selling them. I was amazed at how quickly they arrived. I am very pleased with your process from the beginning to the present. Thank you for all of your assistance. One very happy customer, Laura Lander Chapters From the Farmhouse Journal: Tales of Synchronicity and Grace The encouraging and inspirational personal narrative of the process of decision, affirmation, and providence surrounding the life transition that is the event of a second divorce. …

Thank For The Royalty Check!

Hi Angela, I just wanted to say thanks for that first royalty check. It's a good feeling to actually get a check for all my struggles and efforts. And, I continue to get much positive feedback from readers. Getting my book published has been a very good experience for me in many ways and I've recommended BookLocker.com to several other writers. Jack / Jacquelina A. Shelia

Books That NOBODY Should Publish

I had never had reason to return a Kindle book until I made the HUGE mistake of ordering two "best sellers" from a writer. The summary sounded somewhat interesting so I thought I'd see what a "best seller" was since I'd not heard from this author before. What a disaster... …

Books That NOBODY Should Publish

Hi Ang, I don't KNOW why some sleezy publishers print horrible books, but I certainly have a strong suspicion. Judging from some of the trash I've seen published by "other" P.O.D. companies, they must not even read the books they print. I say this because many of them look like they've been edited by a first grader. I realize P.O.D. authors are responsible for their own editing, but I know BookLocker would NEVER agree to publish some of the junk that I see coming from your competitors. I'm glad you maintain your high standards, Ang. It benefits all of us who choose to go with the best. Jacquie McTaggart If They Don't Learn the Way You Teach...Teach the Way They Learn A collection of Language Arts materials, practices, methods, booklists, Websites, teaching tips, and technology aides that appeal to and motivate today's student learners - with a heavy emphasis on males and what it takes to get them engaged. …

How to Compile and Publish an Anthology – Part II

I know a young woman, daughter of a good friend, who entered a nursing school masters degree program many years ago. Evidently, as part of it, students must read a selection of writings by various academics (I think) who wrote significant articles, books, etc. on the history of nursing. It was a big nuisance, copying from this and that library source. She instantly saw it as an idea for an anthology... …

No Pressure!

Before I found BookLocker.com, I started out with a publisher that continually pushed things at me, convincing me to buy unnecessary services that ended up costing me a big bundle. I've been with Booklocker for three years now, and have never been pressured into anything. Just so you new authors know, there is someone out there who actually has your success at heart. I'm very happy I found BookLocker. Stephen G. Lonefeather SPIRIT DANCE: An Uncommon Love Story THE HEALERS: Those That Were Hidden

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