Write That Book!

8 Free Articles to Help Authors with Self-Publishing


YOUR ROYALTIES AT RISK! Should Authors Get The Shaft When Libraries Get Greedy?

A reader sent this link to me last week from Fortune Magazine: Local libraries are struggling as book publishers charge ...

Can’t Easily Find Your Book on Amazon? Here’s Why!

Over the years, I have received this same basic complaint from authors about Amazon: "I can't find my book on ...

Brian Shares Another Holiday Sing-a-long! Come Sing With Us to the Tune of Santa Claus is Coming to Town!!

Our Managing Editor, Brian Whiddon, is sitting in for Angela this week so she can get caught up before Christmas ...

Elf: A Writer’s Fantasy! – by Laura Yeager

Where can a person write a best-selling children’s book, and see it published in just a few seconds? “Nowhere,” you ...

Should authors send free books to school superintendents for future bulk sales?

Hi Angela, I've just ordered 150 copies of (my book). My plan is to start sending out copies to school ...

“WHY WON’T YOU PUBLISH MY BOOK FOR FREE?” – A Behind the Scenes Look at a Publisher’s Expenses

Even though BookLocker is one of the most affordable print on demand publishers on the market, we are often asked ...

Should You Update Your Old Book, Or Write a New One?

An author wrote in this week, asking if I thought updating her book would give a boost to her sales ...

“A major newspaper published an article that has the exact same title as my book. Can I sue them?”

Q - Hi Angela, I was online reading the news this morning and a major newspaper has published an article ...