Why Every Freelance Writer Should Consider Course Creation By Skylar Margaret

Why Every Freelance Writer Should Consider Course Creation By Skylar Margaret

Looking to skyrocket your income as a freelance writer? Course creation is a viable option to consider. Creating writing courses has too many moving parts to wrap your head around. But, worry not! We’ll help get all the obstacles out of the way! A good freelance writing course educates, converts, and pays. It’s a great way to diversify your income and better establish how you make money monthly. While creating a course sounds irresistible, it’s important not to get stuck.

There are many benefits to creating a freelance course. These are the most significant you’ll enjoy:

Establishing an authority – Creating a course based on your freelance niche establishes you as an expert. When you show you’re experienced enough to share your knowledge, you’ll elevate your name while encouraging clients to approach you.

Helping other freelancers grow – There’s nothing more gratifying than watching other freelancers grow and better their careers. It’s ever so rewarding when your course is a stepping stone to success.

Making passive income -The smartest entrepreneurs make money in their sleep. You’ll create your freelance course once but you could sell it over a hundred times. A well-curated course is the gift that keeps giving. Rather than delivering a service, teaching is a valuable skill that will let you work with individuals, small and large groups. You can offer courses on demand, so your audience can run at their own pace.

The Most Important Course Creation Tips – If you master these tips, you’ll never go wrong when creating your course:

Don’t focus on what YOU want to teach -Many freelance writers only focus on what they want to teach. This flops because your audience may have no interest in the subject. Do your due diligence and determine what your audience wants to learn from the course. You’ll have a better chance of earning from popular topics. Helping your audience get what they want should be your ultimate goal.

Do not procrastinate – Everyone wants to have a “perfect starting point” for course creation. But most freelance writers don’t find it and keep procrastinating their courses and end up not developing them. Remember, there’s no perfect way to start, procrastination will only slow you down.

Don’t fear technology – Technology goes hand in hand with course creation. Questions like the platform to use, how it works, imaging, filming, and graphic designing will come up. They tend to scare freelancers away but they shouldn’t. Start with writing the material and teach as is. You don’t need a lot of tools to get started, and slowly tweak as you go.

Kick imposter syndrome to the curb – Wondering whether you have enough experience to teach a course and develop anxiety over it is known as “imposter syndrome”. These thoughts can cloud your mind, diminish your confidence, and prevent you from moving up the earning ladder. You don’t have to be a world-class expert to create a course. Teach what you know.

Income Expectations – Top course creators make six to seven figures a year. Expect to earn a few hundred dollars by selling your course initially. Most freelance courses initially go between $99 to $150 with an opportunity for an increase as you add more content to the course. For instance, if the course sells to 10 people, you’ll make an easy $990. Remember to be kind to your audience and include one-time offers and promotions to help you gain more buyers.

Start Today!- Try. Experiment. Take action. Realize your potential. Take steps that will help move your freelance writing business forward. Think of a writing course as a step to better things. It doesn’t have to be perfect. For instance, create an editor pitch guide course and writers will find it useful. You’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll be turning profits.


Skylar Margaret is a freelance writer from Houston. Her articles have appeared in, among other publications, the New York Times, New York Times Magazine, the New Yorker, the BBC, Rest of World, Vulture, and the Paris Review.



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