It’s difficult to find the good in the bad when you’ve lost your job. Whether it was your dream job or a paycheck, it was paying the bills. But, now that you’re unemployed, you’re thinking about how much you’ve always wanted to write full-time. You’ve never had the time to get started, though, and you always put your dream on the back burner. Well, the time is here and you need the income. And, you can put unemployment to work for you.
After having lost my job many years ago, I struggled to build my freelance writing income to match what I made from my career. Then, I turned my frustration into cash by writing about my loss. Now, 15 years later, I still write about that period of unemployment because, quite frankly, it pays. There are sites that are interested in hearing about how I’d lost my job, advice for those looking for a job, and those buying articles on experiences in my chosen career field.
One such place is Unemploymentville, which provides detailed guidelines on what they’re looking for. They like personal stories about the hardships of unemployment, as well as unique job search methods. The pay is anywhere from $25-$75 for 350 words but be prepared to wait awhile for a response as the owner of the website is often away for long periods of time, according to correspondence she sent to me.
Elite Personal Finance is always on the lookout for stories about how to save money and, if you’re unemployed, you already know how to do that. If it has anything to do with money, they’re looking for it, including loans. If you’ve used one of those payday loans or car title loans, an article about your personal experience would work perfectly here, especially if you include what not to do and why you shouldn’t use one of those options. They pay $300 per 1,000-3,000 word post.
One of the best ways to work out your frustration about your job loss is to write a personal essay about it, and Vox is looking for them. You can also write about your money struggles without a job, or how you’re surviving. Anything personal to you will work, and, unfortunately, unemployment is a big topic right now. They do accept essays from first-time writers, and even say they will work with you to turn a story idea into an essay. So, this is a great place to start. They don’t mention a specific payment amount but their website states they do pay and will discuss specifics if a piece is accepted.
Losing your job isn’t fun but it can be a jumping-off point to your writing career. Funnel your frustration and anxiety into essays and articles that can help other people, and your wallet as well.
From Unemployment to Full-time Writing By Dana E. Neuts
Using Jobseeker Techniques To Sell Your Writing By Gail Kavanagh
Breaking Into Job Hunting And Career Magazines By John K. Borchardt
As well as being a published author of fiction, Rachel is also a nonfiction writer. She has written for The Writer, The Writers’ Journal, Rooted in Rights, Startrek.com, and the New York Times (essay due for publication in late 2020) as well as many others. She is also a writing instructor at Women on Writing and a contributor to Hidden Remote.
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