WARNING AND PLEASE SHARE! AuthorUnit is Still Trying to Scam Authors!!

Now they’re trying to lure authors away by lying about their publishers’ royalties!
Now they’re trying to lure authors away by lying about their publishers’ royalties!
Check out the signature at the end, along with the links about that person. Of course, that person is NOT who sent this email…
Just a note to add another set of scams to watch out for.
The only thing these companies are good at is emptying authors’ wallets.
They are pulling the same stunt as another firm we recently wrote about. And, they are both telling authors the same lie.
If you believe that’s a real film producer contacting you about your book, you’re about to get scammed.
It’s the same type of scam. This is how it works.
Best seller lists are meant to portray an honest reflection of what the public in general is buying, not a façade of who is best at cheating the system.
You don’t want to miss this one!!!