Published on September 4, 2013
worst book proposals and query letters
Today, I’m going to share snippets from some of the worst query letters we’ve received over the past couple of months. Yes, we can learn from others’ mistakes! Featured below are real quotes from query letters submitted to
Published on May 15, 2013
worst book proposals and query letters
Dear Angela,
I just read your latest ezine, and ended up back-tracking every column you wrote about real book proposals. If laughing hurt, I’d be in the hospital by now. I can’t imagine sending out any of that stuff.
Thanks for sharing.
Liz Davis
Published on May 8, 2013
worst book proposals and query letters
I always love your World’s Worst Book Proposals. They are incredibly funny. It’s hard to imagine that anyone could “right” so poorly and actually think “there” work would be published.
Jacquie McTaggart
If They Don’t Learn the Way You Teach, Teach the Way They Learn
From the Teacher’s Desk
Published on May 1, 2013
worst book proposals and query letters
Today, I’m going to share another installment of our popular column, World’s Worst Book Proposals. Yes, we can learn from others’ mistakes! Featured below are real quotes from book proposals submitted to us over the past few months…
Published on January 16, 2013
worst book proposals and query letters
This week’s missive will be short but I just had to share this with you. I received the following “query letter” (can we even call it that?!) last week…
Published on August 22, 2012
worst book proposals and query letters
Today, I’m going to share another installment of our popular column, World’s Worst Book Proposals. Yes, we can learn from others’ mistakes!
Published on December 21, 2011
worst book proposals and query letters
Today, I’m going to share another installment of our popular column, World’s Worst Book Proposals. Yes, we can learn from others’ mistakes! Featured below are real quotes from book proposals submitted to me over the past few months.
I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried…
Published on September 14, 2011
worst book proposals and query letters
I just wanted to send you a huge thank you for your World’s Worst Book
Proposals. I didn’t know I could laugh, cry and pull my hair out all at once. I’m still reading them.
Again, thank you.
Published on September 7, 2011
worst book proposals and query letters
Today, I’m going to share another installment of our popular column, World’s Worst Book Proposals. Yes, we can learn from others’ mistakes!
Published on June 15, 2011
worst book proposals and query letters
Oh my gosh! If your pending move leaves you no time to write, just give us more “World’s Worst Book Proposals”. They are truly the funniest things I’ve ever read. It’s hard to believe people actually “right” that way, but…
Thanks for the giggles.
Jacquie McTaggart
From the Teacher’s Desk
If They Don’t Learn the Way You Teach…Teach the Way They Learn
Hi Angela,
Needed a pick-me-up this morning, so I read several installments of the Worst Book Proposals – thank you so much! And, thank you for all your hard work. You are much appreciated by us “starving (thank God for peanut butter and jelly) writers”.
Those are very hard to read and remind me of the quality of writing that I sometimes see on Facebook. I promptly removed that one person that wrote worse than your worst proposals as a friend. I cannot read their stuff and expect to still be able to write myself. Writing is like singing, but there is no American Idol to weed out the writers that cannot write.
George Arnold Hall
twitter: @georgeahall
Business: George Arnold Hall’s Pen and Pencil
Author/Editor/Publisher/Game Concept Designer/Web Developer/Analyst/Programmer
Amber Khoolie’s Blog:
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