
Amazon’s Actions Lead To Angry Readers, And May Have Killed My Sponsorship Deal! By Wendy Lou Jones

Amazon’s Actions Lead To Angry Readers, And May Have Killed My Sponsorship Deal! By Wendy Lou Jones

For those of us whose books are listed on the infinite Amazon platform, working with a ‘900-pound gorilla’ has not always been easy. Small press publishers and authors alike have occasionally had to listen to the temper tantrums of that engorged beast as it flexed its muscles (searching for more bananas, no doubt). As the owner of RK books, I have experienced things that can only be described as ‘Amazon issues’ with one of our titles.

How Does Amazon REALLY Get Print on Demand Books to Their Customers?

How Does Amazon REALLY Get Print on Demand Books to Their Customers?

Let’s say I go with BookLocker instead. Everybody I know buys their books (ebook or paperback) on Amazon. If the paperback listed on Amazon is not POD-created by the Amazon subsidiary, who fulfills the order? Who notifies the POD publisher to print a copy, and who ships the copy to the buyer?