
Writers Need Surprise Checks In The Mail! By Christine Collier

Do you write for children? I know a market that could pay you for years. Hopscotch, Fun For Kidz and Boys’ Quest are award winning children’s magazines published by Bluffton News Publishing and Printing Co. They seek fiction but use nonfiction three to one. They accept no email submissions. Mail submissions with SASE, for any of their three magazines, to Fun For Kidz Magazines, P.O. Box 227, Bluffton, Ohio 45817. Their website is: FUNFORKIDZ.COM.

I sold my fiction story, “My Diary,” to Hopscotch for their February/March 2006 issue. In the March/April 2006 issue of Fun For Kidz, themed Riddles and Rhymes, my brain teaser was published. Next I sold a poem, “Our Office Mouse,” which compared a computer mouse to a real mouse to Hopscotch. That was followed by an article about collecting state quarters, a joke, and a vanishing coin trick to Fun For Kidz.

I then received a copy of the October/November 2007 issue of Boys’ Quest. I was amazed because I knew I hadn’t sold to them. The theme of this issue was Computers. I came to the next to the last page and there was my poem, “Our Office Mouse.” I received a check and letter stating that once a writer’s material is purchased they can use it in any of their three magazines for any theme.

Another surprise arrived in 2009, with a copy of Hopscotch, in my mailbox. The theme was Dollars & Cents. There was my coin collecting article, joke and vanishing coin trick for the second time.

My article, “Wake up Foot,” was in the October/November 2011 issue of Hopscotch. I also have a pending sale to Boys’ Quest for August, 2015. Today, I was surprised again with a copy of Fun For Kidz with my coin collecting article published for the third time!

Christine Collier is a writer from upstate New York. She has been published in several children’s magazines and is the author of many books. Her newest books for children include The Birthday Robot and That Recycling Kid, which join Adventure on Apple Orchard Road and Twelve Months of Mystery.