Northwest Quarterly Magazine
222 7th St.
Rockford IL 61104
Phone: 815-316-2300
Fax: 815-316-2300
Website: https://www.northwestquarterly.com/
Editor: Chris Linden, Executive Editor
Email address: clinden@northwestquarterly.com
About The Publication:
“Northwest Quarterly is a city/regional lifestyle and business publication highlighting the best of life in the Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin and Northwest Chicagoland regions. Across two sister editions, we cover a wide variety of people and places that make our 16-county coverage area a great place to live. We especially enjoy topics such as conservation, local history, arts & entertainment, things to do/see, dining, home & garden, health & fitness, recreation & destinations, mind & spirit, personal finance, and business.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Buys one-time rights. Occasionally accepts reprints. Responds within less than a week.
Pays $125-$500, depending on scope of assignment.
Current Needs:
Writers with “Flexibility to handle a wide variety of subjects and assignments. Pays $125-$500, depending on scope of assignment. We sometimes do flat-fee payments on short articles, and will occasionally negotiate with writers on large-scale assignments.” Articles run 550-2,400 words. “Send sample ms or queries with quick bio/resume and writing samples to Chris Linden.
Pays $125-$500, depending on scope of assignment.
“Negotiable.” Payment is also negotiable.
“Our publication covers a 16-county slice of the Midwest so we’re most interested in the people, places, and destinations that have a direct connection to the Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin/Northwest Chicagoland area. While we always welcome story pitches, we’re also eager for writers who can take an assignment and run with an idea.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes