Greenprints: The Weeder’s Digest
P.O. Box 1355
Fairview NC 28730
Phone: (828) 628 5452
Website: https://www.greenprints.com/
Guidelines: https://greenprints.com/writers-guidelines/
Editor: Pat Stone
Email address: pat@greenprints.com
About The Publication:
100% freelance. “GreenPrints is the “Weeder’s Digest.” We share the personal side of gardening, not the how-to: the heart, the humor, the inspiration, the significance, the healing, the warmth—through true stories of people’s experiences.” Welcomes new writers. Circ. 10K. Quarterly. Pays on acceptance. Buys First NA Serial rights. Accepts reprints. Responds quarterly in Feb., May, Aug., and Nov.
Pays $100-$150/article.
Current Needs:
“Good, true personal gardening stories! Humor is always especially appreciated.” Pays $100-$150/article. Submit “SASE with mailed submissions; mailing address with emailed ones; contributor info with both.”
HINTS: “STORY, STORY, STORY. Specifics, details. Name the people (“my husband”) in stories. Dialogue is great.”
Welcomes New Writers:
trying to order the mag.. where ? margot c. Thevenet
If you are trying to order a subscription to the magazine, you may want to try a Google Search for the name of the magazine. We only advertise the writing opportunities, not subscriptions.