Foreword Reviews
413 E. Eighth Street
Traverse City MI 49686
Website: https://www.forewordreviews.com/
Editor: Michelle Anne Schingler, Managing Editor
Email address: mschingler@forewordreviews.com
About The Publication:
We are a trade magazine devoted to exclusive coverage of independent books. Each issue contains reviews of approximately 110 titles across all genres, from independent and university presses only.” Welcomes new writers. Bimonthly. Pays writers each month. Publishes ms within a month of acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds in about a week. Free to librarians and booksellers online. Guidelines by email.
Pays flat fee of $55/review of 300-600 words.
Current Needs:
“We require a sample review in our format, in addition to a current CV or resume.” Pays flat fee of $55/review of 300-600 words. Submit CV/resume with interest via email.
Pays flat fee of $55/review of 300-600 words.
“It is essential that our reviewers be attentive to details. Make sure there are no errors in your letter of interest, and make it clear that you have done some research on our publication before inquiring.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes