708 Third Avenue, 5th Floor
New York NY 10017-4201
Phone: (212) 209-3856
Website: https://www.cineaste.com/
Guidelines: https://www.cineaste.com/writers-guidelines
Editor: Gary Crowdus, Editor-in-Chief.
Email address: cineaste@cineaste.com
About The Publication:
“America’s leading magazine on the art and politics of the cinema” 30% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 10K. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 2-3 months after acceptance. Buys first serial rights. Rarely accepts reprints. Responds 3-4 weeks. Guidelines online.
Pays: $50-$100.
Current Needs:
CURRENT NEEDS: Queries. Pays from $50 (for most reviews) to $100 or more (for feature articles or interviews). Prefers reviews of 1,000 to 1,500 words and features in the range of 3,000 to 4,000 words. Submit query by email.
Pays from $50 (for most reviews) to $100 or more (for feature articles or interviews)
“Send photos if you have them; otherwise we take care of obtaining photos.” No additional pay.
“We are not just a ‘film magazine.’ Writers should acquaint themselves with our editorial orientation before making submissions or sending proposals.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes