I was starting to get pretty nervous about the annual Christmas card picture. While we had three short spurts of snow during the fall, things weren’t looking too good for the arrival of a real storm in time to take pictures to go with the family holiday newsletter. Each year, during the first snowstorm, the children are all ordered to get to the house (most of them drive now) as soon as possible, and to trudge outside for a snowstorm Christmas card photo. It’s a Hoy family tradition! They smile through chattering teeth, and try to keep their eyes open for the dozen or so shots I take…while snowflakes are landing on their lashes. Heh… It’s great fun for me and the kids always pretend it’s a pain-in-the-butt for them. In reality, they get as pumped about the first snowstorm as I do!

On Friday, we heard there might be a bit of snow on Sunday so I texted all the kids, telling them to hightail it home at the first sign of anything more than a wayward flurry. On Saturday, the weatherman assured us that the snow was coming, and that it was coming early. By Saturday night, we had a full-fledged Nor’easter blowing outside, albeit it not a severe one. The kids all arrived here at 9:30 p.m. (two got off work at just the right time) and, for the first time ever, we took an after-dark snowstorm Christmas card picture. I was SOOOOOO HAPPY! I can now get those family newsletters sent out on time!

Later that night, at 2:00 a.m. (which I guess means early the next morning), I heard laughter outside the window, and recognized Frank’s voice. So, I called his cell phone (which was easier than getting my butt out of that very warm bed!). He immediately answered, and said they were outside, building a snowman. And, what a snowman he is! Here’s a picture of Frank and Caleb’s Midnight Frosty. He was HUGE!

I can tell you that Frosty had a carrot where it, uh, did not belong and Richard removed it early the next morning (ahem…). I have NO idea where Frank gets his sense of humor from (snicker). By Sunday morning, we had six beautiful, sparkling inches on the ground and wet snow clumps hanging from the evergreen trees. Our yard looked like a winter postcard. And, on Sunday afternoon, we went sledding! It was a blast!! We still have snow on the ground and it snowed again on Monday night.

It sure feels like the holidays now! πŸ™‚

This Week’s Maxism:

After Max asked for a specific horror doll (a smiling Good Guys Chucky doll) from the old movie), which can only be found on ebay for $980, I told him there are some things that Santa just can’t make.

He did not appear worried at all, and replied, “Don’t worry, Mom. Santa can make anything that’s not trademarked.”

That remark, from an 8-year-old, left me a bit tongue-tied. Rather than trying to explain the differences between trademarks, patents and the like to him, I am, instead, trying to steer him toward a shiny new bicycle.

UPDATE: The issue went out late today because we spent the morning preparing for a blizzard. We got several inches today and it’s still coming down!

Hugs to all!


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