We’ve been keeping a couple of secrets for awhile now. Secret #1 has been in our pockets since Christmas of last year. And, now it’s time to share!
On or around August 30th, we will become grandparents for the very first time! We found out during our family Christmas gathering and dinner when I was given a gift box containing a beautiful, hand decorated Christmas ornament that said “GRAM.” I burst into tears and they flowed off and on through most of the meal. Richard kept leaning over to me and saying, “I’m gonna be a grandpa! I’m gonna be a grandpa!” It was AWESOME!!!
Our daughter, Ali, her husband, Justin, and the rest of the family are VERY EAGERLY awaiting the arrival of beautiful, chubby-cheeked baby Jack!
And, here he is!
Baby Jack has had an adventurous couple of weeks. Ali was advised to go to the hospital for monitoring a week ago after she ran into the bedpost in her room (which was right at Jack’s level) in the middle of the night. (Yeah, she gets her grace from her mom!) She had a large bruise so they just wanted to make sure Jack was okay. And, he was fine and dandy.
A few days later, she was back in the hospital for monitoring again after she sustained a slight injury while stepping (jumping??) two feet straight down, from a boat to a dock, during high tide. Baby Jack was fine after that, too. The doc told our adventurous, active Ali that she needs to start REMEMBERING SHE’S PREGNANT! After 7 1/2 months, she still hasn’t slowed down!
Ali looks fantastic! She is positively glowing! Jack is very active and we all enjoy putting our hands on her belly so he can kick us.
THE PREGNANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Justin and I are excited to announce that we are having a BABY BOY! Mr. Jack! We are beyond excited and proud! Some of his favorite things are oranges and ice cream! He is very active and loves to have Mommy chase him across her stomach, determined to give Daddy the opportunity to feel him move, too! This is truly the greatest miracle of our lives!
We are currently planning a baby shower, which will occur in three weeks. I am shopping for a comfy little sailor suit and a wee, itty, bitty life jacket for Baby Jack.
(That last sentence is a hint about our other secret, which we will be sharing in a few weeks. For more hints, read THIS.)
We were sitting outside the other night when Mason opened the door. He asked, “May I have dessert now?”
Since it was getting late, I said, “Yes, if it’s small.”
He replied, “It’s just a donut.”
As he turned and walked away, we heard him very quietly whisper, “…cream filled…”
- We’ve Been Keeping a Secret… Can You Guess What It Is?
- Our Old House Caught on Fire!
- Funny Photos from Our Beach Vacation! No, REALLY!
- Treacherous Seas Force Us to Turn Around!
Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.
Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin
Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/


Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!
Remember Your Past
Write It and Publish It
in as little as 12 weeks!
Angela Hoy's book will get you started!
- Using Angela's MEMORY TRIGGERS, recall memories that have been dormant for years
- Record those memories in chronological order in your memory notebook
- Using the memory notebook as your outline, write your autobiography!
- Also works for biographies and memoirs!
Read more here:
That is truly wonderful news. I’m so happy for all of you!
Congrats! I highly recommend the Extrasport Infant & Youth PFDs with Collar in red, as it’s more visible.
Congrats to all of you! I was very clumsy when I was pregnant with my second son. Tripped walking up the steps and fell backwards (Thank goodness, if I would have fell forward, I would have went right through the sliding glass door.) This happened 6 days before he was born. Sprained both my ankles and could hardly walk. Guess what? He’s the clumsy one out of my 3 boys. 🙂
Congratulations. This is exciting.
Congrats to you all!
Congratulations! What exciting news! I wish Ali an “event-free” final few weeks. Baby Jack is fortunate to have such a loving, adventurous family, which of course includes his grandparents. That baby life jacket may need to be custom made. Best wishes to you all!
Congratulations to everyone on this new adventure.
Are you living in a houseboat? 😀