9 Paying Health and Wellness Markets for Writers – by Tatiana Claudy

9 Paying Health and Wellness Markets for Writers – by Tatiana Claudy

“Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to.” – Henry Van Dyke

If you ever wanted to write for health and wellness markets, now is the right time!

Consider this information:

The expansion of the global healthcare market: by 2028, it will reach $665.37 billion (according to Verified Market Research).

“The Baby Boomer Effect”: the influence of Baby Boomers (who are in charge of 70% of the country’s disposable income) on the American economy, especially the healthcare industry.

The post-pandemic health awareness: 62% of Americans stated that their health is more important to them now than before the pandemic (according to the Ipsos survey).

These trends create lots of writing opportunities for freelancers!

But, do you need specific college degrees to write for health and wellness markets? Brian Bass and Cynthia Landis Kryder, authors of The Accidental Medical Writer (published by BookLocker), encourage, “Regardless of your background and experience, you can be successful as a freelance medical writer.” Their book can be a good starting point for an aspiring health/medical writer!

The next step on this path is to learn the latest health news by subscribing to free services like WebMD Health News Center, Medpage Today, and Science Daily.

And, don’t forget the importance of thorough research for your successful pitch! Sure, most freelancers provide information (not medical advice) but they are still responsible for the accuracy of that content. Therefore, use credible sources: The National Library of Medicine’s PubMeD and MedlinePlus, National Institutes of Health (NIH), the American Heart Association (AHA), Prescriber’s Digital Reference, and Europe PubMed Central.

Finally, where can you publish your stories? The market is vast and diverse: consumer international, national, regional, and local magazines; trade publications; “Health” sections of newspapers; health-related blogs and digital publications; journals for health professionals; newsletters by health practitioners; and health-related news websites.

Here are nine paying health and wellness markets for writers:

Brain & Life, a bi-montly magazine, is the official publication of the American Academy of Neurology. Editors seek articles “written in a conversational, consumer-friendly tone for people with neurologic conditions and their family members and caregivers.” Payment is $0.75/word (for 500-1,500 words). Read their writer’s guidelines to learn more.

Natural Awakenings is a monthly magazine providing “how-to articles, interviews with national experts, the latest news in holistic health and sustainability.” Submit your pitches online HERE. See details HERE. Free copies are available on THIS PAGE. Payment is $0.22/word according to whopayswriters.com.

Healio is “a leading, trusted omnichannel information platform for physicians and healthcare professionals.” To pitch your story, contact a specialty editor. More details are HERE. Payment is $0.13/word according whopayswriters.com.

STAT is a media company dedicated to “trusted and authoritative journalism about health, medicine, and the life sciences.” Editors look for “smart, compelling, original reporting that takes readers inside the world of health, medicine, and scientific discovery.” Payment is $1/word. Read their writer’s guidelines for more details.

VICE Digital is an American media and broadcasting company with the mission to “focus on the ideas, issues, and context that other outlets miss.” Health, drugs, and lifestyle are among covered topics. Payment varies from $0.06/word to $1/word according to whopayswriters.com. Read more HERE.

IDEA Fitness Journal is a digital publication “passionately committed to inspiring healthy behavior change and whole-health living” and targeted toward health and wellness professionals. Editors are interested in queries on “topics that balance research with practical application.” Payment is determined by assigning editors. Read the author’s guidelines and submit your pitch.

The Cut is the website with the mission “to deliver authoritative service, thought-provoking reporting, and intimate personal essays.” Editors welcome stories “exploring all things mental, physical, and spiritual health and wellness” for their Self vertical. Payment is $500 minimum for essays and columns (1,000-1,500 words) and $600 minimum for features (1,500-2,000 words). Read their writer’s guidelines.

mindbodygreen is a digital platform that “weaves together the mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental aspects of well-being.” Editors need personal stories on wellness and health. Payment is from $0.12/word to $0.27/word according to whopayswriters.com. Read their writer’s guidelines.

Bloom is a bi-monthly magazine based in Bloomington, Indiana. Editors accept freelance pitches for the Health/Fitness department. Payment is determined after the story is assigned. Read the writer’s guidelines. Free copies are available HERE.

Ready to start a new journey as a health and wellness writer? Here is a piece of advice from Zig Ziglar (American author and motivational speaker), “It’s your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude.”


Tatiana Claudy is a freelance writer from Indiana. Her bylines appeared at Writing-World.com, FundsforWriters.com, and WOW! Women on Writing. Her mystery stories have been published in Mystery Weekly Magazine. Her travel stories have been published on Travel THRU History, My Itchy Travel Feet, and Go Overseas sites.