What Our Readers Said About: Angela explains why an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau is TOTAL B.S.!

What Our Readers Said About: Angela explains why an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau is TOTAL B.S.!

COMMENTS ABOUT: Angela explains why an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau is TOTAL B.S.!

Hey Angela,

Thanks again for that explanation of the BBB I will definitely be sharing that with our writer’s guild this weekend. I am just beside myself to learn that it is all about the money. At one time the BBB meant something but not anymore!

Thank so much and Write On!

– Jennifer

I applied for a sales job at local BBB office several years ago and was told during the interview that the ratings system was based on how much the client was willing to pay. Incredible how they’re still allowed to operate.

– Kim M.

The BBB accreditation thing sounds a lot like the AARP licensing thing. To me, either is the equivalent of buying a designer handbag: paying more money than the product is worth just to boost your own ego.

– Kathleen

That was a very informative article. When I was younger, many decades ago, BBB was a big thing. Now, I don’t seem to hear about them as much. They might still have some weight, but hopefully their tactics are causing them to become less significant.

– Mary Wuest

Or the company does not want to make refunds at all so has specialists who specialize in delaying, diverting, dissing, and ignoring people.

– Jedidiah Manowitz

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