Emails from Readers:
Hello Angela. I have subscribed to WritersWeekly for about six months. In January, I saw a position listed for resume writing. Since I have worked at this for years and looking for new work, I responded. I am writing to tell you that I was hired for the position. I want to thank you and your wonderful e-magazine for your excellent articles and job postings. I love working from home wearing a robe and furry slippers.
Best regards,
Dear Angela,
I am writing to thank you for what you do – generally, with your friendly, interesting, helpful and trustworthy weekly newsletter – specifically to thank you for putting me into touch with Dialogue Magazine for people blind or going so. I seem to be in that category, experiencing days of semi-blindness when I cannot work on my articles or book.
Now, thanks to you I am in touch with Dialogue Magazine for people like me (which has also led me to the discovery that there are businesses than can transport me to and from the eye clinic at my local veterans out clinic).
So please give yourself a big hug or allow me to delegate your special someone do so. You are America – couldn’t be any greater!
Best wishes,
World’s Worst Query Letters and Book Proposals For March, 2018!
I feel your pain. I edited a country lifestyle magazine and this guy sent me a scifi article. I actually called to ask if he’d ever seen the magazine. To my shock he said yes. I asked why he thought this would be a good fit for a magazine that did articles on B&B’s and decorating. His response was,
“The aliens land in the country.”
He was not given a staff position.
– Chris
I always look forward to this theme. You never disappoint!
– Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Two women clash in World War 2 Nazi-occupied Rome.
‘Freelace’ sounds naughty.
– Margaret Garside
“Angela, Can You Recommend An Affordable Laptop And Software For Writers?”
Hi Angela;
I don’t know if you have ever looked at the open source software called “Open Office”? It is a free software package very similar to MS Office. The only thing missing is the Email client “Outlook”. It has a word processor just called “Writer” that is very close to MS Word. I have both and must say I prefer Word but if someone is on a tight budget Writer might be a good choice, and it’s free.
–James Archibald
For mere wordprocessing a much cheaper linux machine will run the free libreoffice and have fewer problems and annoyances than any windoze box. You can get a raspberry pi kit for under $35 that will use a tv with hdmi for the monitor; add a keyboard and mouse for $20 plus borrow a couple of other items you already have like usb charging cable and your pc is ready to use. The alternative is to get a dell on sale. I got a win10 dell laptop for $129. You can still run libreoffice or other free word processors on it.
– wmba dams
OpenOffice is an excellent substitute for MS Office, and is free. The most recent version easily handles documents formatted as Word files, and can save in Word format as well. While Windows 10 has improved a lot since the original Windows 8 upgrade scam, Linux is an excellent alternative, and also free.
– Logan Harbaugh
Reply From Angela Hoy – Publisher of WritersWeekly.com
OpenOffice is not fully compatible with MSWord. When we exchange MSWord files with authors using OpenOffice, they come back with broken formatting.
I am also a fan of MS Word. It’s interesting to learn about your Windows 10 experience. I have Windows 8.1. When they were offering a free upgrade to 10, I hemmed and hawed, but ultimately declined. Glad I did.
– Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Two women clash in World War 2 Nazi-occupied Rome.
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