What Our Readers Said About Charging Troublesome Clients More Money + The Portable Toilet Explosion!

What Our Readers Said About Charging Troublesome Clients More Money + The Portable Toilet Explosion!

Readers’ Comments about: When Charging a Pain in the (Bleep) Client More Money…is More Than Justified

Another useful and in some cases, all too familiar, article topic. I have seen the ‘NO HURRY NAOMI’ a couple of times myself.

Here is another one –

I just finished pricing some options for a client who wanted everything. The (potential) bill would have run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars category.

Now they were gung-ho about the project to begin with, but were not interested in a ‘Plan B &C’ options.

The long and the short — I will never hear from them again.

-Wendy Jones
Highlander Imagine: Beyond Infinity
Highlander Imagine: For Love’s Sake
Code Name: Immortal

Dear Angela,

Ouch! During my 15 years as an independent book ghostwriter, I’ve had close encounters of the bad kind with Charles, Ian 1 and 2, Sam, Nancy, Naomi and most of their living relatives. The worst are time-wasters who attempt to pick my brain at no charge, decide that they’ll wait a few months (or forever) to get started, then use what I’ve shared to their advantage.

Over time, I’ve learned to use your valuable techniques just to keep my head from exploding but you’re offered a couple of new ones I will incorporate immediately.

Thanks for continuing to share your experiences so that your loyal readers can avoid some pitfalls.

– Betsy Gilbert

Comment about: The Portable Toilet Explosion

Oh Yuck Angela … still I have to laugh. 😉

In our factory in Long Beach, CA years ago, the city workers would, from time to time, pressure blast the sewer system. Nasty but not too much of a problem when they did it at night and you got the surprise in the morning. But one afternoon, around 3 p.m., they did it without warning. (They never gave any warning.)

Our packing girl was on the pot after a bad bout with diarrhea when she got the geyser treatment. Yep, covered from head to toe and we had no shower on site.

Take care,
– Jim Archibald

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