Woo-hoo. Now THAT’S an investigative report. If that’s what comes from working on a sailboat, point me toward the water.
– mctag2015
I have worked with Booklocker on one small book, which, through no fault of theirs, I decided not to offer for publication just yet, because I need to expand the scope of the book and other improvements. I was extremely impressed by Angela’s encouragement and the illustrator’s help with what was a rather extensive and at times nerve-wracking process for a non-touch-typing duffer who suffers from “computer aversion.” I do plan to publish my work when it is somewhat more than pamphlet size, and I will do it through “Booklocker” when it is finally ready.
John Rieske
Super, well written, informative article by “the new guy!” Love him!
Suzanne G. Beyer
Thank you for your time and for sharing the results of your research, Brian.
I’ve tried to get simple answers from a couple of the companies you looked into and my results were the same — spam and refusals to give straight answers to my direct questions.
There are at least a couple things we can learn here:
– There are unscrupulous scammers out there posing as helpful companies
– There are enough gullible people out there to keep these naughty-not-nice “publishers” in business (people don’t fish where there are no fish)
Best wishes for great success in your new gig.
P.S. I also live and travel full-time on a boat, but mine is a trawler. The spaces are tight, but the views from my office are spectacular!
Wow! Great article and so informative. You will make a wonderful addition to an already incredible team of writers.
Carol Roe
Dear Brian,
Have you ever thought about writing a book about your work experiences (hint, hint)? If the above article is an example, it would be funny and sad by turns, not to mention downright fascinating.
All joking aside, thank you for your painstaking insights and analysis. As a librarian I recommend Booklocker to potential authors who ask for suggestions. Then, I tell them to go online and read what others have said about the publishers you’ve described.
Nancy Larson
I Am Creating A Series Of 100 Books. Should I Self-Publish…Or Not?
I love the advice you gave to the author with the coloring books. You
were honest, even though you recommended a course of action that did NOT
include using your services. Bravo! That’s the kind of honesty that is
sorely needed. Way to go!
Naurene Luse
Four Absolutely Essential Resources For Self-Publishing Authors!
For JDK, I highly recommend BookLocker for your self-published book. In addition to their fair prices, their cover designer, Todd Engel, is first rate. I told him exactly what I wanted, and he designed a cover that was far and above my most hopeful expectations. He also kept in constant communication with me every step of the way. There was never the issue of wondering what was happening or when he was going to answer any of my many questions. The same holds true for Angela. She personally answered every question (and, yes, there were many) promptly, and with kindness and patience. The result is a high-quality book for which I am extremely proud.
– Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Two women clash in World War 2 Nazi-occupied Rome.
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