Help! I Need An Affordable Way To Promote My Book THAT WORKS!
Booklocker’s “90+ Days…” marketing book has everything in it a motivated author needs to get the ball rolling, and keeping it spinning. I used the copy I received with my first novel in 2012, and the revised version with the newest novel that published this year.
The information had changed to keep up with marketing trends and offered suggestions I might have overlooked the first time. I go through Booklocker’s suggestions about once a month now that I’ve initiated almost all of their marketing tactics. I did investigate hiring a publicist but the cost, well over $5,000, was too expensive. Moreover, the tactics in the firm’s proposal were almost identical to what Booklocker suggested in their “90+ Days…” book.
– Sarah Bates
The Lost Diaries of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Women’s rights pioneer fears past and destroys damaging personal diaries.
Twenty-One Steps of Courage
An adventure novel about an Unknown Soldier Tomb Guard
I agree with Sarah Bates. BookLocker’s “90+ Days Of Promoting Your Book Online” is chock-full of tried and true “FREE” methods to promote your book. Highly recommended! No, I do not get a kick-back for this praise.
– Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Two women clash in World War 2 Nazi-occupied Rome.
I’m in the same boat as Mr. Knister. I am past 80 years old and am nearly finished with my first book, so I am trying to begin some kind of marketing program that will permit me time enough to keep writing.
– Patricia Plake
Everything you say here is true. The book should (not must) be good, but without effective marketing, it won’t find readers. As a writer almost certainly too old to get an agent, I haven’t “chosen” to self-publish, but been forced to. The trouble is, today’s self-promotional methods/technology are beyond me. I can’t master those skills at this late date, and I certainly know that you can’t make money without spending it. But how and where to spend it for promotion? I don’t want another “plan” that I’m required to implement. I want to pay someone for both the plan AND implementation. But I can’t find an honest broker. What do you advise?
Thanks a lot.
Per the article:
If you want to pay someone to promote your book, it’s a better idea to hire a book publicist directly than to pay hundreds to thousands to your fee-based publisher to perform marketing activities of questionable value. For a book publicist, we recommend Dave Carew but he only offers his services for non-fiction books. See: https://www.davecarew.com/
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90+ DAYS OF PROMOTING YOUR BOOK ONLINE: Your Book's Daily Marketing Plan by Angela Hoy and Richard Hoy

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