COMMENTS on: Want to Freelance Full-time? Use the Three-Legged Stool Approach!
I just don’t see how you divide up your time, or how you get it all done. I’ve got six traditionally published nonfiction books out, and I can hardly keep up with the secretarial work of presentations, publicity, a blog and signings. I took a year off to write a novel.
-Jane Turzillo
Interesting take. I am just starting out – a veritable newbie. As I peruse the many and varied writing sites I, again, realize how daunting the idea of being a legit writer is. But, because the prospects and opportunities are seemingly limitless I figure there has to be room for me somewhere. And enough room where I can grow and thrive. The trick from my little starting line is finding the “somewhere” out there. Let the adventure begin.
– Michael McKearney
I enjoyed your article, especially that word solo…but I’ll stick to the easy road – Sell my first best seller, then publish the four other books I have waiting – one of them at least will make a great movie – and bask in the sunshine with my fiance whom I will marry if she’ll have me!
– Peter Garland
- QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments
- Writing and Editing for the Legal Profession
- Freelance Editing for Corporate Customers?
- Writing or Editing for Non-Profits: When to Say NO!
- AFTER THE LEAP: 10 Ideas For The New Full-Time Writer
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