Deafening Broadway Show Tunes After 11:00 p.m.?!
My first winter as a liveaboard down south, we had a slip in front of a a restaurant. On warm Sat. night, they opened the doors to the deck and the band played until 11:00 or so. Bands varied. but they were all loud and not very good. As long as they hit the right notes, I got to the point that I could tune them out. Just about that time, they played an off note and that got me awake again. In the spring we headed north, but the following winter we returned to the same marina and requested a slip farther away from the restaurant. The dockmaster was surprised and said many people requested slips by the restaurant. To each her own! Maybe you can change your slip?
– Janet Hartman
Reply from Angela
We have one of the farthest slips from the park. Thank goodness it’s only for 3 weeks and not EVERY Saturday night! We’re also right across the water from the Dali Museum. They occasionally host weddings. The last two have run late into the night and they were blasting popular 80’s music…which was actually pretty cool! 😉
I love your graphic!
– Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Nazi-occupied Rome sets the stage for Bridge of Sighs and Dreams, where the lives of two women collide in an arena of deception, greed, and sacrifice.
Reply from Angela
I found that on Pixabay using the word “Broadway,” oddly enough. And, she looks just like me! That was really weird! 😉
Read More Letters and Comments

33 Worst Mistakes Writers Make About Blind Characters
I admire any writer who wants to tackle a blind character. But so many writers take up this challenge and FAIL. They research blindness by reading other fiction books, by observing their blind colleagues and acquaintances, and by tying on a blindfold and pretending to be blind themselves.
I understand the challenges your characters face, their triumphs, their hopes and their fears, because I've lived them. I work with people who have varying degrees of blindness every day, so I've seen every challenge, every situation you could imagine.
Let me share my knowledge to improve your writing. You can create blind characters that readers will fall in love with.
~Stephanie Green
I feel your pain re: the loud music. Imagine subwoofer bass mariachi “music” pounding through your walls? Well, that’s we get here in my dry-land suburban neighborhood for the last 12 or so YEARS. At least you can sail away. . . .