Nature vs. Technology – Who’s Winning? – by D. J. Mathews

Nature vs. Technology – Who’s Winning? – by D. J. Mathews

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About the Book

The magazine “Psychology Today” has said young people are being unduly influenced by what they see on social media on the internet. Many even admit that being on social media platforms for hours can make them feel depressed. And yet, they are so hooked to their so called smart phones that teachers in school have to collect them or institute other policies to get them to quit looking for a while.

We live in a fast paced world in Western society, but especially in America, dependent on technology for almost everything, from factories canning our food and making our clothes, to dependence on the family car to go to work or recreation. But some are looking at this and wondering, in this twenty-first century, is human dependence on so much technology healthy or beneficial? And what about its effect on the environment and especially the climate? In the nature vs. technology debate, who is winning anyway?

In the book “Nature vs. Technology — Who’s Winning?” D.J. Mathews does look at various topics and sees where we are going, what we can improve, and what technology can be helpful overall. Take the internet, for instance. Though it can contain a lot of disinformation and get young people addicted to it, or even show fake news and fake images, there are ways to spot fake information and not be tricked into a fake relationship.

The book also looks at the pros and cons of how our food is produced, whether robots can be helpful, the pros of going off into space, the wonders of the ocean, and even how to survive if you are lost in the wilderness. Nature can be harsh if you are not prepared, and there are ways technology can be helpful.

This is a book that gives you much to think about. If you are a parent of grandparent you may be especially concerned about the future. It can be bright if we work to address different modern issues logically and quickly. So learn more how.

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About the Author

D. J. Mathews, a Master naturalist and freelance writer, has an interest in the environment so she has written this latest book for all to think about. She has written for many publications, including Blue Ridge Country, The Virginia Journal of Education, and GEICO Direct.


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