“Should I pay a book review site $1.50 for every copy of my ebook that they give away for free?”

“Should I pay a book review site $1.50 for every copy of my ebook that they give away for free?”

Q – 

Hello Angela,

It appears that there are lots of book review sites online. One that caught my interest is (name removed). However, they’re going to charge me $1.50 for every person who downloads my ebook. The reviews get posted to Amazon later. Is it worth it? 


A –

I do NOT recommend listing your ebook on that site. Why in the world should an author PAY people to read his or her book rather than the other way around? I checked out that site and anybody can sign up to review books there. So, they get free books and they may or may not write reviews for them. They could not read the entire book, and write a very short, fake review (that could even be negative). People can sign up with that site just to get free books and I bet many of them are doing just that! The site gets $1.50 each time one of their so-called reviewers downloads a copy. And, YOU have to pay for it.

What if hundreds of people download your file? You’ll have to pay $1.50 for each of them. And, how would you even know the site is being honest? It would be very easy for them to commit fraud with this type of scenario.

I’m having a hard time trying to think of a worse book review deal for authors. NEVER pay to have your book reviewed and certainly NEVER, EVER pay a website $1.50, or anything at all, for every copy of your ebook that they give away for free.

Please see:
How To EASILY Get Awesome and Honest Book Reviews That REALLY Carry Weight With Readers!


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One Response to "“Should I pay a book review site $1.50 for every copy of my ebook that they give away for free?”"

  1. Pamela Allegretto  October 31, 2019 at 4:35 pm

    In addition to your excellent advice, unless the reader buys the book on Amazon, their review, if it even makes it online to begin with, will not remain for long. Amazon only allows reviews from “verified Amazon purchases,” and sometimes they don’t even allow those. I am amazed at how many authors in the various author/book groups on FB give away free books in exchange for possible reviews.