Last week, I listed my New Year’s Writer’s Resolutions and asked readers to share theirs, too. Here are some that arrived by email. My, but we are an ambitious bunch!!
Finish my collection of inspirational and motivational stories before May and begin looking for a publisher. Many of the stories have been getting great reviews. I think I may be on to something. Now it is time to buckle down and finish a collection.
Michael Smith
Read my stories at https://heartsandhumor.com/blog/
Under “Links” clink on “archives” to see the latest stories.
Hi Angela,
Just thought I would pass on my two New Year’s resolutions.
1. To write one thousand word essay every day. That’s over and above any other writing I’m doing. (So far, I’m averaging 4 out of five days.) You have to keep on your toes and really watch out for the topic. I had one today, didn’t write it down and darn if I can remember what it was.
2. Don’t sweat the big stuff.
Nicholas Grimshawe
I LOVE your new year’s resolution of publishing the writers’ guidelines (https://forums.writersweekly.com/viewforum.php?f=12). What a wonderful service — thank you.
I’m afraid my new year’s resolution is less lofty and more selfish: to always have a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator, chilled and ready to go in case of a celebration emergency.
With best wishes,
Gretchen Roufs
Auxiliary Marketing Services
Dear Angela:
Thank you for sharing your new year’s resolutions with me. Very inspirational!
I’ve recently learned one of the secrets to keeping resolutions, and I’d like to share it with your readers. Prior to 2005, my list contained one thing to do which was, more often than not, to loose that last 10 lbs. It inevitably never came true.
Then at the end of 2004, I was in transformation mode, and I made over a dozen promises to myself. By the end of 2005, I checked off 11 of my 15 resolutions, and seven of those items were childhood dreams that I made come true!
So what’s my secret to success? I found it in an adage that went something like, ‘If you have something to do, give it to a busy man.’
This year, one of my resolutions is to challenge everyone around me to jump up, create a list longer than you ever think you could possibly do, including those things you’ve always wanted but were afraid to confront, and then attack it. And if you fear you might fail at something, just remember, by trying, you’ve already succeeded.
Peace, love, unity …
PersistentGerl Brooke
Writer, researcher, editor, philosopher and more …