
Term Paper Mill Scum

I took most of Monday off this week for the holiday so my post is short and not-too-sweet this week. I wanted to share this with you.

I received an email from a man who wanted to post a help wanted ad on and he obviously hadn’t done his homework. He said they needed writers for “academic writing jobs” and my warning bells blew. I checked out their website and, sure enough, it was a term paper mill. This was my response:

We would NEVER assist you with helping students cheat.

Your service is the rock-bottom scum of the entire industry. What if your child was ill and the specialist you took her to was someone who’d paid a company like YOURS to do his schoolwork for him?

Shame on you! How can you sleep at night doing what you do for a living?!

Don’t EVER contact me again!

Angela Hoy