Sick Day

Angela, Mason and Max all have a cold. Her column will return next week.

So your click will not have been in vain, here’s an interesting tidbit sent in by author Burt Close:

“I recently discovered that my local Walgreens store has a new service of refilling computer printer ink cartridges…black ink for only $10 and color for only $15 per cartridge. Since I use at least one of each every month, I expect this service to save me more that $200 or more a year. Also, their prices on packages of CDs and DVDs are very low. You may want to tell your writers about that, too. Worth knowing about ain’t it, honey? It can probably save them mucho bucks.”

You should know that refilling old ink cartridges and using generic ones or those sold by a company other than your printer’s manufacturer may void your printer’s warranty. So, keep that in mind. Still, I’d do it. Printer ink costs more than oil. Why? I have no idea. Seems like a huge, industry-wide conspiracy to me! To see what else printer ink costs more than, click HERE.
