5. Create a new budget and stick to it (And I really mean it this year!!)
4. Add a Writer’s Guidelines database to the WritersWeekly forum I started this on Tuesday. You can see what I’ve posted here: https://forums.writersweekly.com/viewforum.php?f=12.
Many publications don’t yet feature their guidelines online so we’re offering to publish them on WritersWeekly to cut down on their incoming email. If you own/operate a paying publication or traditional publishing house and would like to be included, please email your guidelines to me here at: angela – at – writersweekly.com
3. Stay caught up so I’m not behind when the baby is born in June…or in case complications arise. I’m having some problems with debilitating hip pain and, from what I’ve read online, it’s a very common problem with no known cause or cure (though lots of speculation). I’m still researching, however, and I have a doctor appointment tomorrow.
2. Writing some fiction for fun. I want to write a novel someday, but I’m always buried in non-fiction projects. If I write some fiction for fun this year, maybe I’ll be able to build up my confidence a bit and attempt a novel in the next year or two.
1. And my #1 resolution for 2006 – Work on one of my books for at least one hour each morning (before I dive into my email box) and finish and publish at least three books this year. I’ve already started two of them!
I’d love to hear about some of your New Year’s Resolutions, too! Send them to me here at: angela-at-writersweekly.com
Write your autobiography in 2006! Afraid you can’t remember your childhood? Yes you can, using my memory triggers! Sign up for my popular and FUN class, How to Remember, Write and Publish Your Life Story! See: https://www.writersweekly.com/wwu/courses/memories.html