Published on May 11, 2017
boat trips

I ran back to the cockpit to throw the engine in gear and get the bow turned off and away from the other vessel. Everything was going smoothly when I suddenly heard a loud “CLANK,” and a “SPLASH,” followed by a “RATTLE-RATTLE-RATTLE-RATTLE!!” …
Published on May 4, 2017
boat trips

As I headed into the no-man’s land and pointed my bow at the distant markers, a well known saying in the sailing world that came to mind: “There are two kinds of sailors – those who have run aground … and those who will.
Published on April 28, 2017
boat trips

In another couple of hours, it seemed that my visual landmarks were gradually shifting further and further upwind. A check of the GPS confirmed my fears. The zig-zag line that marked my boat’s pendulum motion on its anchor line was starting to lengthen – looking kind of like an EKG. I was dragging my anchor!
Published on April 13, 2017
boat trips

“SNAKES?? Forget the snakes! Look out for the GATORS!!”
Published on April 4, 2017
boat trips

Times like this give one ample opportunity for reflection. You know – all the “ifs” and “hows” and “whys.” I try to avoid “wouldas,” “couldas,” and “shouldas.” Those rarely do any good. But, I do like to take a personal inventory, and ask myself if I’m happy and, if not, what I am going to do about it. And, honestly, I realized that, indeed, I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long, long time. I had a big dream of living on a boat and …
Published on March 28, 2017
boat trips

I crawled out of my cockpit, stood out on the middle of my deck, lit a cigarette, and stared at that captain and crew with my best peed-off, backwoods Florida-boy look that said, “I’m about to SWIM over there just to slap you around a bit.”
Published on March 21, 2017
boat trips

I put it back into forward gear, and tried to shift into reverse again. Nothing. You cannot stop a boat without reverse and I was running out of deep water quickly!