Published on April 9, 2020

Not being a professional writer, this is my first and probably last book. After a fulfilling career contributing to the high-tech industry as an engineer and raising my family, I determined that I needed to memorialize my parents’ tribulations as Nazi slave captives. After they had already passed from the world, and after I retired […]
Published on April 3, 2020

It all began with a lie…
Published on April 3, 2020

If you had told me 30 years ago that I would have a published book by now, I would have guessed, or hoped, it would be something philosophically deep with societal impact. My book is neither…
Published on March 27, 2020

I came up with the idea to write my book at a party hosted. The odds for anyone surviving the type of surgery I’d endured are quite low. Months after my discharge from the hospital, I was celebrating my survival at a meal of thanksgiving (seudat hoda’ya in Hebrew). Guests listened to my speech about […]
Published on March 27, 2020

Writing The Entrepreneur Ethos began on December 25th, 2015 when I interviewed my father-in-law, Tim. He was an import/export entrepreneur who was a role model for Jane and I. The very next day, Jane was diagnosed with leukemia…
Published on March 18, 2020

The doctor began, “She’s a beautiful little girl, and you can take her home with you today. But, before you take her home, I would like you to stop by Columbus Children’s Hospital first on the way…”
Published on March 18, 2020

“When a young Peace Corps volunteer is recruited for a ‘second job,’ we are thrust into a new heart of darkness—and light. A rich, thrilling LeCarre-esque journey into the tribal and geopolitical wars of 1960s Africa.” -Kenneth W. Davis, Professor Emeritus of English, Indiana University Background In 1966, the Peace Corps sent me to the […]
Published on March 13, 2020

Many truckers allow the insanity that consumes them to run rampant in their lives, while others become victims of circumstances, unaware of the consequences involved. Others become victims of their environment, not being able to have a say in what happens to them…
Published on March 13, 2020

My experiences the terminally ill were deeply powerful. Creative non-fiction let me give them voices in a less technical way.
Published on March 5, 2020

Every year, I look forward to my publisher’s reveal of their annual Christmas novella themes. They publish at least two collections every December, one historical romance and one contemporary. I’ve made a career out of writing historical fiction so my challenge each year is to brainstorm until I come up with a historical setting and […]