The Massachusetts Review
Photo Lab 309, UMass
Amherst MA 01003
Phone: (413)545-0111
Website: https://www.massreview.org
Guidelines: https://massreview.org/submission-guidelines/general-guidelines
Editor: Jim Hicks, Executive Editor
Email address: massrev@external.umass.edu
About The Publication:
“The Massachusetts Review, a literary magazine, promotes social justice and equality, along with great art. Committed to aesthetic excellence as well as public engagement, MR publishes literature and art that provokes debate, inspires action, and expands our understanding of the world around us.” Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 12 months of acceptance. Buys First N.A. rights. No reprints. Responds within six months. Guidelines online.
Pays $100 – $200
Current Needs:
“We are most in need of good nonfiction, ideally that which goes beyond the personal memoir to engage ideas within the wider world. We are more interested in social and cultural topics than individual experience, unless that experience is directly linked to a bigger movement or historical moment. PLEASE NOTE: We do not ask for queries and we do not assign stories–we are a literary magazine, and as such are seeking complete essays on topics of the writers’ choosing, within the guidelines above. Pays an honorarium for published work. We pay $100 per publication for unsolicited work and $200 for solicited work. We also give writers two free copies of their issue and a year’s subscription.” 7,500 words max. Submit complete ms per the guidelines.
$100 for unsolicited work; $200 for solicited work
“The most common mistake people make is not understanding what sort of publication MR is. We post free selections from each issue on our website for people looking for a sense of what we publish. Ideally, potential writers would read an issue to get a sense of our aesthetic and tastes. We are NOT a news outlet, and the only blogs we publish are those that are concerned directly with our areas of interest or publication.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes