Gourmet Traveller Wine
Lower Ground Floor, 119 Kippax St
Surry Hills, Sydney, Austrailia 2010
Phone: +64(0)408-489-507
Website: http://gourmettravellerwine.com/
Editor: Judy Sarris, Editor-in-Chief
Email address: jsarris@gourmettravellerwine.com
About The Publication:
“Australia’s leading wine magazine, Gourmet Traveller WINE includes wine, other drinks, food, wine-related travel and features.” Welcomes new writers. Bimonthly in print. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 8-12 weeks after acceptance. Buys first Australian rights for print. No reprints. Responds within one week. Guidelines available by email to wine@gourmettravellerwine.com.
Pays $0.50-$0.70/word.
Current Needs:
“Articles on winemakers, wine regions, and wine travel.” Pays $0.50-$0.70/word. Articles run 250 words up to 2,500 words for features. Submit short query with article idea via email.
“Make any queries about story ideas concise. We’ll get back to writer for further details if idea is of interest.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes