Bible Advocate
P.O. Box 33677
Denver CO 80233
Website: https://www.baonline.org
Guidelines: https://baonline.org/write-for-us
Editor: Sherri Langton, Associate Editor
Email address: bibleadvocate@cog7.org
About The Publication:
“The Bible Advocate is one of America’s oldest religious magazines still in print. Founded in 1863 under the title The Hope of Israel, it is published by the Church of God (Seventh Day). This is not the Seventh-day Adventists. The Bible Advocate’s purpose is to advocate the Bible, represent the Church, and glorify the God of grace and truth.” 20-40% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 6-12 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within 4-10 weeks. Guidelines online.
Pays $25 per published page, up to $65. Poetry and fillers pay $20.
Current Needs:
“We’re looking for articles centering on our 2019 theme of the Great Commission. Personal testimonies are good for this.” Pays $25 per published page, up to $65. Poetry and fillers pay $20. Articles typically run 600 -1,500 words. Poetry runs 5–25 lines. Submit complete manuscript with cover letter by email only.
Pays $25 per published page, up to $65. Poetry and fillers pay $20
“Please read several past issues before you submit. Be familiar with the doctrinal beliefs of the Church of God (Seventh Day) so you don’t submit something conflicting with its beliefs. No Christmas or Easter pieces and no handwritten submissions, please. Also, we work with email submissions only now. No snail mail.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes
I have been trying to find a ligitimate site to publish my religious poems .I think I may have found the ideal site in Bible Advocate. Today I will email my first poem to you. Thank you
Please contact Bible Advocate directly using the contact info. in the info. above. 🙂
Angela Hoy, Publisher