Shark’s Teeth!

We haven’t had a lot of luck in the vehicle department over the last year. In our driveway in Maine, we used to have the truck (for Richard), the van (for Ali), my Mustang, Frank’s car (which he got from his god fathers), and Zach’s car (which he bought himself). Ali’s boyfriend also had a car but he had to sell it to pay some of his bills after their accident last year (there won’t be a settlement on that for months to come).

A year ago, the van got totaled in the accident.

Last Fall, Frank (age 19) totaled my (used) candy apple red Mustang convertible. It was old and cheap but it sure looked nice, and it made me look ever-so-much younger and thinner! πŸ˜‰

Ali and her boyfriend have been driving Frank’s car while they save money to buy one of their own so we’ve been sharing the truck with Frank. If Frank hadn’t totaled my car, Ali and Justin would be driving it and Frank would have his car. (Confused yet? Me, too!!) Since Zach lives on his own, that leaves just the truck in our driveway in Florida now.

Frank takes the truck to school (college) three days a week and we plan our errands and other activities around that. We just really can’t justify buying another vehicle right now when Ali and Justin are about to buy their own. Frank will then get his car back and things will be back to normal. As long as the truck keeps running, we’ll be just fine! You probably know where this is going, right?

Last Friday, we decided to play hookie in the afternoon, and take Max and Mason to the beach. It was 70-something degrees, breezy, and partly cloudy and it was the perfect day to go on a shark tooth hunt. We grabbed some towels, spoons (for digging), and bottled water and jumped in the truck. When we were just a few feet out of the driveway, a warning light came on, something beeped, and the transmission started jerking. Oh no……

We had to turn around and come back home and Mason (age 5) was sooooo sad! He cried and cried. The Ford place can’t even look at the truck until later this week so Zach offered to loan us his car in the meantime. It’s a standard and, while Richard was driving us home from Zach’s apartment on Saturday, I sent this text to Zach: “The sound of metal on metal is giving me the heebie-jeebies.”

He was not amused. Heh…

Anyway, we did get to the beach on Sunday and it was another perfect day so Max and Mason were happy. For my entire life, I’ve looked for a shark’s teeth each time I’ve been to the beach. And, I’ve been to lots of beaches! Up until last Sunday, I’d never found one. But, we went to one of the beaches in Englewood that’s known for the large number of fossilized shark’s teeth and I found 15 and Max found 30!! We were all thrilled!

This week’s Masonism:

When we were studying Mason’s sight words, he leaned over, hugged me, and said, “Love is my favorite word.”

Big hugs to all,

P.S. I want to “follow” you!




Using Angela’s MEMORY TRIGGERS, recall memories that have been dormant for years, and record those memories in chronological order in your memory notebook. Using the memory notebook as your outline, write your autobiography! **Also works for biographies and memoirs.**