“How can I sell my self-published book through a large specialty distributor?”
I have a local bookstore that sells my books on a regular basis. This is the only consignment seller that I use, and I give them a 55% discount on my books. They were shocked that someone would offer them that much of a profit margin because in the small quantities that they would order from a distributor, they wouldn’t qualify for that discount. This works out well for me because now they have an incentive to push my books, and I make a little more on a copy than if it was sold through Amazon or another outlet.
W.w. Brock
I have no faith in Brick and Morter (B&N or similar) stores. I could write an essay on an experience I had with these folks and making a book returnable for numerous promises Vs the reality of what happened.
Before the year 2000, the story was entirely different — after that — it was as if an apocolyps decended upon small press publishers.
Wendy Jones
Highlander Imagine: Beyond Infinity
Duncan MacLeod must fight a South American Immortal at Teotihuacan.
That is a great visual! And I like the ideas to get your brain going. I would add that the one thing that gets me going is just to put something — ANYTHING — down on paper, no matter how stupid it sounds…then keep on writing. I nearly always have to delete the entire first paragraph, but this does help me with liftoff.
Gaye Swan
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