Letters To The Editor For October 18th

Malicious Reviews On Amazon

Hey, Angela!

Well, this is starting to be a regular thing.

I think there are people who just scout out Amazon so they can write negative stuff. Between them and those that are friends of authors who write glowing reviews, it’s really hard to judge sometimes just how good a book is.

Dede Bright
CRA International, Inc.

Hi, Angela,

I just thought I’d let you know that I’ve had no trouble getting Amazon to remove bad reviews from my books. Like CraigsList, they have very strong anti-harassment rules, and all you have to do is contact them and let them know that the untrue review is a part of harassment.

Keep up the good work.

Mattie Sue
Parrot Behavior Consultant
Amazon.com Bestselling Bird Care Book Award
Best Non-Fiction Book Award, OWFI

Just Doin’ Our Job…

Hi Angela,

Thanks so much for the promt payment! Really helps to keep my faith in the freelance biz alive, and it was much appreciated.

Take care!