Brian Takes His “Home Office” on the High Seas! (Well…almost) – Days 5-10
Wow. Thanks for letting us land lubbers live vicariously through you. I hung on every word of your expedition, and even laughed out loud a couple of times. Keep up the great work.
I’m loving your travelogue. Be careful out there and enjoy!!!
-Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Nazi-occupied Rome sets the stage for Bridge of Sighs and Dreams, where the lives of two women collide in an arena of deception, greed, and sacrifice.
Excellent advice. I’ll add two more.
1. When you see good reason to be suspicious, don’t wait for the ultimate in proof. Then it will be too late. Swallow any losses and leave quickly. The first few authors to go are likely to be allowed to depart quietly. This publisher-in-trouble doesn’t want bad publicity. But once its troubles are widely known, it has no reason to cooperate.
That reflects an old adage in medicine. “In the first stages of a disease,” it runs, “diagnosis is difficult, but treatment is easy. In the latter stages, diagnosis is easy but treatment is difficult.”
2. Also some people have a knack for spotting trouble, while some don’t. If you’re one of the latter, you might cultivate friendships with the former and take their advice.
Keep in mind this applies to all of life, including employment. I’ve written a book—Senior Nurse Mentor—about how matters went sour at a large children’s hospital where I was on the nursing staff. Disgusted with how staff were being treated, I wrote a strongly worded resignation letter and left. Mere weeks later, there was a mass exodus, with some 20% of the nurses quitting and replacements hard to find. My suggestion for a new nursing specialty, a senior nurse mentor, is intended to create a position, beholden to no one, to give voice to issues that damage nursing morale and result in costly turnover.
Kenny Rogers has a song about gambling that applies equally well to writing. You do have to “know when to walk away and know when to run.”
–Michael W. Perry, Inklng Books
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