“How To Be A Paid Freelance Writer WHILE Attending School!”
Tenacity always pays off, and you have that in spades! I would like to say, “Go for it,” but clearly you’re doing just that! Best wishes to you. You have a glowing future ahead.
Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Nazi-occupied Rome sets the stage for Bridge of Sighs and Dreams, where the lives of two women collide in an arena of deception, greed, and sacrifice.
Go girl! You have a good turn of phrase for kinda newbie. All the best on your way!
Elena Hedlund
It’s That Blinding Froggy Time of Year Again!
Hi, Angela, this is a very good newsletter you’re sending out. Perhaps my work will make the list one of these years. From your list I’ve already sent a query to a religious publication regarding a piece I wrote today and another I’m working on. Danke.
Do you notice a lot of elderly people in Florida? I am only seventy-one but with severe arthritis (that keeps me at my desk, writing!) and I can’t help but wonder that any elderly people with arthritis living in many of the winter-cold parts of our country must pack up and move to Florida.
All the best and thanks again.
Peter Garland
Interesting! I had no idea that Florida had such fog! I learned something new. Thanks!
Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Nazi-occupied Rome sets the stage for Bridge of Sighs and Dreams, where the lives of two women collide in an arena of deception, greed, and sacrifice.
“My Dad Abused Me, And May Have Killed My Mom. Everyone Tells Me I Need To Write A Book About My Life! Where Should I Begin?”
While the advice abut legal liability is pertinent, it should not put you off writing your story.
Look at the web page of agent Andrew Lownie. His firm handles a very successful writer, Cathy Glass, who has cornered a market in stories like yours, about abused children, foster children and others. Her books include The Silent Cry, I Miss Mummy, Can I Let You Go. There must be about ten. Having dealt successfully with this and a couple of other authors in this field, Lownie must be an expert at guiding writers and dealing with the legal hazards involved.
The advice to ‘see a shrink’ is valid, not only for your own mental health, but to help with the writing, discovering the motivations of people like your father and the effect on you of your experience. And get a lawyer not only on your side, but at your side, to shepherd you through the minefield without injury.
If you can write the story really well, vividly and engagingly, with the help of an agent, publisher’s editor or with a ghost writer, there is a market and you can make money. Consulting Andrew Lownie is a good first step as he knows how to make such a story salable and legally safe. I would guess he has also turned some down, based on his judgment and experience.
Good luck,
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