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Want Christmas Sales for Your New Book? Get. Published. NOW!!! It’s Easy! Here’s How!
Angela, thank you so much for the detailed post with a very helpful description of the publishing process. It will help young writers to understand the process, and as a result, get better prepared, organized, and, finally, published. In my opinion, the recipe for success is planning, preparation, and self-organization.
Irene Fenswick
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What if it is a traditional publisher going out of business? Is there a way to get even just the final manuscript that transpired out of the galley copies?
Debbie Elicksen
In reply to Debbie Elicksen.
Many firms have a specific bankruptcy clause in their contract so check that. Don’t assume the publisher hasn’t or won’t sell their assets (their contracts) to another firm. If you can get your rights back, and if they won’t give you your files, I recommend hiring a college student to re-type your manuscript into a word processing program. 🙂
– Angela
So many reasons for authors to use BookLocker! Highly recommended
Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Two women clash in World War 2 Nazi-occupied Rome.
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A Squirrel Pee’d On Me! How To Use Catchy Titles To Attract More Reader
Wonderfully entertaining and informative article! The only thing I disagree with is that the author views herself as not much of a writer. On the contrary, I think she is an excellent writer, and I would love to read more of her work.
Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Two women clash in World War 2 Nazi-occupied Rome.
The above three title examples would NOT make me want to read the article — in fact, if I jumped into an article that was less than what the title promised, I would leave a very blistering comment about this ‘come-on’ type of writer.
Sorry, but ‘No thank you’ to this style.
P.S., The squirrel had better have pee’d on something if it is in the title.
Wendy Lou Jones
Highlander Imagine: Beyond Infinity
Duncan MacLeod must fight a South American Immortal at Teotihuacan.
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