How Should I Approach “Regular Folks” (Not Professional Writers) To Contribute To My New Book?
When writing The Essential Guide to Grief and Grieving, I knew I needed to interview parents who’d lost children, for the chapter on the death of a child. I kept my eyes and ears open, starting with people I knew who had a child die, and branching out to referrals from others who knew people in that position. I also contacted some I read about in the newspaper or on social media.
No one refused to talk to me. The interviews were very emotional, and every single parent cried, no matter how long it had been since the death. It was a tough chapter to write, and I will always remember those parents and the children they loved and lost.
Afterwards, I mailed each parent a copy of the book.
Debra Holland, Ph.D
Amazon’s Actions Lead To Angry Readers, And May Have Killed My Sponsorship Deal!
I’m confused. When you say your books are listed on Amazon, does that mean you created a listing on Amazon of your book and a POD printer prints and ships the book when one is ordered or do you have your books printed by an offset printer and ship a quantity of books to Amazon? Which Amazon then ships when an order comes in.
Can Amazon manipulate your price when you physically send your books to them? And would that be one way to avoid that problem in the future? I’d like to know that answer.
Barbara A Martin
In reply to Barbara a Martin.
Wendy Lou Jones’ most recent book in the series was published by Abuzz Press, a hybrid publisher, which we own, that does not charge setup fees to authors. See: https://www.AbuzzPress.com.
Amazon can price a book at whatever price they choose, regardless of the recommend list price you give them. See:
Why Does Amazon Have My Book Listed At A Fraction Of The List Price?!
– Angela Hoy
WritersWeekly.com and BookLocker.com
In reply to Randal Montgomery.
Randal, you should contact each library individually and ask them 1. if they’d like a REVIEW copy and 2 in which format they’d like it. Most will request a free print copy. If they like it, they may then even shelf it, which means they never had to buy a copy. If they want an electronic review copy, be prepared to offer them one of 3 formats – mobi (the format used by Amazon for the Kindle), epub (the format used by other ebook reading devices) and pdf (which can be read on one’s computer or on a variety of devices, including many phones). They may also then start distributing that ebook without paying you for it.
I do not recommend sending free copies of libraries. People can then simply read your book for free instead of ordering it and even the library will have obtained a free copy.
– Angela Hoy
Hi Randal,
I advice you to go on amazon or goodreads and find nonfiction books you think are similar to your book and then find reviewers through there instead of through a big list. The information can be out of date and people usually forget to find the review policy if they have a master list.
AmandaEmma Nissen-Bækdahl
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