Comment on: I’m 81, Still Writing, and Still Getting Paid for It!
Good for you! And good to hear good words about Kent State. I got my MA in Public Relations and Journalism there in ’77, and while I have never made a living writing, I have (and am) written in every job I’ve had.
Again, good for you!
– Chris Hogg
Comment on: 5 Tips For Non-Native English Writers
It’s been roughly 20 years now since I started learning English at secondary school. Although I have gotten a university degree in English language and literature, I still feel like I always need to learn more and more. I speak, watch, read, write and listen to English on a daily basis; my whole job is in English now. Nevertheless, I’m not a native English speaker nor a writer yet. Your article did draw my attention and I found it quite informative and as straight-to-the-point as it should be. Thank you for sharing this inspiring blog post!
– Sami Ezzine
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