“I want to publish an anthology that includes stories written by others. Where do I start?”
If you are working in genre fiction, there are several “Open Call” groups on Facebook (horror, SF, fantasy, etc) which might work for you. Search for the keyphrase “Open Call” and you’ll turn up most of them – though you will have to comb through some irrelevant results too. It shouldn’t take much more than an hour to find and join the groups most relevant to your project.
How I Get Article Ideas From Newspaper Archives
In the days when I could still get around (arthritis) I loved to go to the main library in San Francisco and use their newspaper on tapes files to research. I published a biography of a great American sculptor, partly using those newspapers for data. However now the same files are available on-line via the library web site. I agree that reading old newspaper is fun and fascinating and sometimes one can even make an original discovery – for instance, I figured out that the wife of a prominent architect of the 20th century here was a relative of the president of the United States. To me, that’s fun. My gal says, “You should be an investigator.” Well, I am. Writers are investigators and it is our job to get beyond the surface news. Best wishes, good work.
Peter Garland
What a great source! Thank you, Elizabeth, for letting everybody know about it.
Ann-Louise Truschel
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