World’s Worst Query Letters and Book Proposals For December, 2016!
This installment is still a favorite of mine – and no doubt thousands/millions of others. I normally don’t enjoy laughing at another’s expense,but…for these I make an exception.
no name
I have to wonder if these individuals ever read what they’re sending.
Besty Calder
A celebrity appearance from Yoda! Holy smokes! Star Wars meets Writers Weekly. I always knew Yoda was a deep kind of guy, but I never knew he put ink to paper. Marvelous!
no name
Reading these gave me a headache. You have my sympathy.
Mother of Crows
Great compilation of wacky letters that are an appropriate way to end a wacky year! Happy New Year!
Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Nazi-occupied Rome sets the stage for Bridge of Sighs and Dreams, where the lives of two women collide in an arena of deception, greed, and sacrifice.
While I was temping as a receptionist in an office dedicated to promoting women’s rights, a man came in and asked, “Do you have tips on how to be a good translator?” I just thought, “What was it about our Rosie the Riveter poster in the window that made you think we specialized in translation?” It took me a moment even to find the words to respond. It sounds like you get more than your share of poorly directed desperation.
Johnny Townsend
Bless your heart. I admire your patience.
I liked the one where he “proposed”. Lol
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