An Extremely Professional and Talented Cover Designer

In the July 25 edition of WritersWeekly, someone asked you how your covers could be so inexpensive and what he’d get for his money. My answer??? A GREAT cover. When I self-published the first edition of my book, I paid a “professional” cover designer $2000. I told her EXACTLY what I wanted in terms of fonts, images, etc., and trusted she would put it all together into something great. When she seemed to misunderstand, I actually found some photos and put together a “sample” in Photoshop. She absolutely refused to give me ANYTHING like what I wanted–finally coming up with a Picasso-esque mess that I would have been embarrassed to use. She claimed she had created a cover and, despite the fact that I couldn’t use it, she got paid in full.

My son took my “sample”–tweaked it in Illustrator–and that’s the cover I finally used on the book.

For the second edition, I went with and Todd did my cover. I sent him the cover of the first edition and told him what I’d like (essentially, the same thing I told the original designer). He came up with exactly what I wanted on the first try! In about two days! We tweaked the colors a bit and he even found me a couple of images that I loved for next to nothing.

So, to the guy who asked the question…what you will get (from BookLocker) is an extremely professional and talented cover designer who should be making a LOT more…but I’m sure glad he works for BookLocker!


Judy Yero
Teaching in Mind: How Teacher Thinking Shapes Education


See examples of BookLocker’s cover HERE.
Click on each cover to see the entire cover (front, back and spine).

Todd’s covers are only $200 because we send him so much business. Of course, we pass that savings on to authors. ๐Ÿ™‚