
Comments From Our Readers – 11/29/18

Comments From Our Readers – 11/29/18

COMMENTS ON: When an E.R. Doc Treats You Like a Junkie (and an updated pic of my deformed leg!)

Wow, when my Runaway Prius almost killed me they did x-rays and an MRI at the hospital but nobody looked at them and I didn’t know I had a broken neck, broken collar bone, broken shoulder, broken ribs, broken hip, and crushed elbow until I was in court with Toyota and their doctor listed all of that as minor injuries from his reading of the x-rays and MRI. We have gone from having the best health care in the world to worse than places I have lived in Africa.

– Joseph Dameron

I had a severely pulled hamstring a couple of years ago. Went to the ER. Could NOT straighten my leg out no matter how hard I tried. They tried to get it straight and take x-rays of my hip because I said I needed to know my hip wasn’t broken. (When I fell, my hip completely popped out of the socket and I could not pull it back because all my muscles were messed up. I had to push my leg back and pop that hip back into the socket by myself.) Anyway, after the x-rays on my hip, they were sending me home. Nothing broke. WHAT??

“What about my muscles?” I asked.

“What about your muscles?” the nurse asked back.

I told him I needed to know how bad they were pulled, torn, whether they were ripped completely loose, or what.

He sent me for a CT scan, which is little more than an x-ray. Should have sent me for an MRI, but no.

My blood pressure shot sky high. I had to go to the bathroom. I found out that day that needing to go makes blood pressure rise very high. They FINALLY brought a potty in for me. Have you ever tried to go to the bathroom with one leg bent back against itself, so you can’t hardly sit down?

Then, they were going to discharge me. The tech came in with a brace for my leg. He asked if I had any clue how it worked. I asked what it was. He said it was a brace to help keep my leg straight.

I asked if he realized I couldn’t even straighten my leg. He took the brace back and brought me crutches.

Five days later, my leg finally straightened back out. At that time, we also saw the massive bruise along the inside and back of my leg. Never got a diagnosis on my muscles.

When I tried walking, my leg started deforming because all the other muscles were trying to take up the slack for the hamstring and no telling what other muscles. I got a surrey to ride because a pool wasn’t available (Surrey and pool offered no-gravity exercise which would use all the muscles and help them all grow back like they needed to be.)

Soon after that, my husband had a heart attack, then two carotid artery surgeries. Then, he had an ER visit similar to yours and mine.

HORRIBLE Emergency Room service.

By the way, think first and tell the hospital AND the insurance company about your bad experience. The insurance company may make some kind of deal over the cost. Worth a try, anyway.

– JesPiddlin


Oh my God, so many medical horror stories! I have a few myself, but they would take up too much space. Let me just say, less is more when it comes to any type of medication. Anytime you can treat an ailment through nutrition, you are better off. Most doctors don’t take more than the required nutritional courses and prefer to go the synthetic drug route with all the accompanying side effects. I am so sorry that your leg is still so painful. Do be careful about taking ibuprofen instead of Tylenol. Tylenol is processed through the liver and therefore can cause liver damage. Ibuprofen is processed through the kidneys and can damage both the kidneys and lungs. It thins the blood and can cause bleeding in the lungs and kidneys: this is why hospitals choose Tylonal over Advil. The medical marijuana is the safest bet for most pain management. I do wish you a very happy Thanksgiving! Cheers!

– Anonymous

Oh, Angela, how awful. I hope the sports medicine facility can help you heal.

My story: On our truck ride from MN to AZ, a four-day journey since we were pulling a fifth wheel, my back molar started throbbing on Day One, Monday. When I drank my hot coffee, I thought my husband was going to have to pull me off the roof. Needless to say, I couldn’t get my caffeine fix the rest of the journey, and to help with the pain, I popped two Advil every four hours.

I called my dentist to see if he could see me on Friday. Nope, the office isn’t open open on Friday. So, I made an appointment for Monday. I knew I couldn’t wait until Monday, so I called my periodontist, a nice, compassionate woman. I made an appointment with her for first thing Friday morning. She thought I needed a root canal and was able to make an appointment with an endodontist that morning.

I drove right over and sat in the waiting room with tears spilling down my cheeks. I didn’t take any Advil, and I was stressing over the $1,000 I’d have to spend. After taking x-rays, Mr. Endodontist applied the heat test to my tooth, even though I told him it was heat sensitive. I kept jerking his hand away. He announced I didn’t have to have a root canal and wanted to know if I wanted to see a pain management specialist. I was livid, said I did not, and he walked out of the room. I stormed back to my periodontist, and we man bashed for a few minutes, then she gave me a prescription for pain meds to use for the weekend.

I’m like you, Angela, and don’t like to take pain meds, so I just lived on Advil again. My regular dentist referred me to another endodontist, and he did the root canal the next day. I’ve read bad things about root canals, so I didn’t really want one, but that trumped the pain, so I bit the bullet, so to speak.

Thanks for reading. I hope you are on your way to full recovery and no pain.

Barb Renner

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