“I’m a convicted felon. Will you write my story, and help me land a publishing deal?”
Good answer. I am sick of people breaking the laws of our country. How arrogant and selfish to want to make money from the suffering of others.
– kittytrock
“Should I hire a ghostwriter…or do the writing myself?”
Regarding the ghostwriter question, years ago a man contacted me asking if I would ghost his story. Intrigued, I met with him only to find what he really wanted was for me to splice together his life story he’d written that filled an entire three-drawer filing cabinet. I got out of there as politely as I could because he didn’t want a writer, he wanted a secretary with a huge role of tape!
– Sarah Bates
I have a reply for Sarah Bates who commented under ‘Ghostwriter’.
I wouldn’t consider your description of this project as negative. If your individual was willing to pay a weekly fee (upfront), you could have sent him to me, and I would have invested in a monster-roll of tape.
Once the project is going, it is amazing how clear it can become, to even the most ‘organizationally challenged’ individual, that each life-section or ‘bubble’ needed some ‘massaging’ (rewriting and connecting text). Here is where things can get interesting and, in some cases, historically significant.
I don’t find it the least bit surprising that someone would initially approach writing their life story that way — section by individual section. I have dealt with people who do this a lot and have observed that many people think in ‘bubbles’ or ‘scenes’. When that bubble/scene is finished, life stops (they don’t write a logical connector) until the next thing they identify as significant happens — up comes a new ‘bubble’ and away we go again.
In the future, Sarah — please recommend all these good folks to me. We’ll get along just fine.
-Wendy Jones
Highlander Imagine – Beyond Infinity
Duncan MacLeod must fight a South American Immortal at Teotihuacan.
BOOK MARKETING ESERIAL PART 2 – Before Day 1: You MUST Have a Website that YOU Control
Your “90+ Days of Promoting Your Book Online” is a must read for all authors. I followed your advice on buying a domain name through WordPress, and included the private registration service that makes good sense. I had already been using their free service for my art, and it was an easy shift, thanks to their step-by-step instructions, to include my fiction. I am thankful to you both for all your useful advice.
-Pamela Allegretto
Bridge of Sighs and Dreams
Nazi-occupied Rome sets the stage for Bridge of Sighs and Dreams,
where the lives of two women collide in an arena of deception, greed, and sacrifice.
From your beginnings here in the Houston area, you know how devastating a tropical storm can be. You were very lucky that it wasn’t very severe since you didn’t have any warning. It looks like you have a disaster plan in place and will have enough warning when a big one comes along.
– Ronald Hull
American Mole: The Vespers
Jason serves the USA to defeat terrorists from within
American Mole: The Cartel
Mole infiltrates cartel planning to buy the US presidency
American Mole: Aryan Nation
Jason concludes career taking down Aryan militia of John White
I used to teach in a prison. One of the inmates was in for killing his wife. He always insisted on his innocence but that was kind of iffy. We called him Riley -(I didn’t do it but the bitch deserved it-) Johnston. He was always writing letters to the editor of the local paper talking about conditions in the prison. He was one of the few who knew I had been published in Sun Magazine and one day he asked me, “How did you get published in Sun? I have been sending them my stuff for years.” I answered, “Have you tried contrition? Contrition sells.” He gave me a disgusted look and walked away. (I just checked and he is still in there- It has been thirty years now- I changed the name for this)