Where can I find a good editor?; Should I pay an agent?; Selling essays now hurt future book?

Where can I find an editor?
I am currently writing a book and need to find someone to edit it. Do you have any suggestions?
Please click above for a list of freelance editors we recommend.
Should I pay an agent?
Hi Angela,
I have a question. A literary agent is interested in representing my books, but charges a fee. Is this a normal practice? They have a listing on editors and
predators as a bad agency…
Will selling my essays as a column hurt future book possibility?
I hate to bug you like this, but you really are the only person in the world who seems to have answers to some of the thornier questions we blossoming freelancers sometimes face…

Write Beyond Your Comfort Zone By Christine Cristiano

After WritersWeekly.com published my article, Paying Personal Essay Markets, a publicist who had read my article contacted me and inquired if I’d be interested in reviewing a book on sexual child abuse. She’d supply me with the book plus the opportunity to interview the author, but I’d be responsible for writing, querying and ultimately selling the book review.

The 8 Worst Gifts You Can Buy for Children (and 8 alternatives!)

Last weekend, while buying Frank a pair of shoes, I overheard an elderly couple shopping for a gift for their grandson. They were going to buy him snow boots for Christmas. I immediately thought, “How will they know the right size?” Geez, I can’t even get shoe sizes right when my children are right there with me and I have to seek professional help (the store clerk). How was this couple going to get the size right on a child who, obviously, lived in another town?
Each year, relatives write asking us what the children want for Christmas. I’m happy to give them hints on what the children would like, but also ask them to avoid certain popular toys and other items we’ve had personal experience with. I’m sure many of you parents know exactly what I’m talking about. So, today I’m sharing my list of the worst presents to buy for children, along with alternatives that will make them very happy…

Letters for December 10th

One Present Peeker Who Got Caught
I was a peeker, too, and a good one, or so I thought. Mom always hid gifts under the bed, and she was a late wrapper, so I could open the end of the bag and put it back exactly as it had been, content to know that “Santa” was bringing most of what was on my list. I’d go so far as to erase my tracks across the green wall-to-wall carpeting…
Just Doin

Selling Your Print on Demand Book to Bookstores By Gary D. Robson, Independent Bookstore Owner and Author

As the author of a POD book, you have three hurdles to overcome in selling to bookstores: discounts on POD books are generally less than 40% (sometimes as low as half that), POD books are usually non-returnable (which discourages experimentation), and the publisher isn’t promoting your book to the bookstores. Here are some ways that you can overcome these hurdles and get your book into the stores…

Whispers and Warnings for December 10th

Post your own experiences, inquiries or complaints about editors and publishers RIGHT HERE.
Bookman Publishing / Bookman Marketing – continues illegal spamming activity – no ethics!
Moonstone Magazine – They want YOU to pay THEM!