Q –
Angela, I got through to Infinity Publishing on the phone. They are willing to send me the production files for my 3 books + cover files, for a $25 charge to take them off their servers–$75 total. (I didn’t have any e-books.)
That cost sounds reasonable to me. But I keep wondering if I even need their files.
A –
First, the cost is NOT reasonable! They’re sending you two files electronically. That’s IT! Why in the world should you have to pay them to do that after they’ve left you and all their authors in a lurch?!
They will have formatted those files to the printer’s specs. If you move backward to an MSWord file, that work would need to be done all over again. Also, I’m assuming they did the pdf conversion.
I can’t BELIEVE they are charging you money for files after they CHARGED YOU MONEY to publish your book, and then said they’re getting out of the business. They should be willingly sending all of their authors all of those authors’ production files FOR FREE. It looks to me like they’ve found just one more way to dip their hands into their authors’ pocketbooks.
Snakes…. 🙁
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